Because we are both the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries and the New Jersey Academic Librarians section for NJLA, there are multiple paths that you can take to membership. Watch this page for updated language, but in the meantime, please refer to the relevant section of the bylaws, copied below:
Article V
Section 1: Any member in good standing of the New Jersey Library Association and/or the Association of College & Research Libraries shall be eligible for membership in this Section.
Section 2: The Section may admit members who are not members of the New Jersey Library Association or the Association of College and Research Libraries
Section 3: There shall be three classifications of membership in this Section.
a) Individual members - Persons interested in college and university library work.
1. There are three (3) tiers of individual membership
i. Member of NJLA who joins the Section
ii. Member of ACRL who joins the NJ chapter.
iii. Individual working in a NJ Academic Library who is not a member of either i or ii above.
b) Institutional members - Libraries and other organizations interested in the work of the Section.
c) Honorary members - Persons nominated by the Executive Board and elected for life by the membership.
Section 4: Rights and Privileges
a) Each individual member in tier i or tier ii as outlined in Art V. Sec 3a and each honorary member shall be entitled to one vote. Individual members under tier iii as outlined in Art V Sect. 3a and Institutional members shall not have the privilege of voting.
b) Each individual member in tier i or tier ii as outlined in Art V. Sec 3a shall have the right to hold office subject to the requirements of Article VII Section 2. Each individual member in tier i, ii, or iii as outlined in Art V. Sec 3a or 3c shall be eligible to serve on committees.
c) Each member, of whatever classification, shall receive one copy of all publications and communications of the Section, which are authorized for general distribution by the Executive Board.
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Interested in joining a committee? Contact the committee chairs OR Complete the Committee Interest Form
New Jersey Academic Librarians Section Committee Missions:
ARCHIVES & SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: Explores methodology to teach about the use of archives and special collections. Offers scholarship and professional development opportunities.
ASSESSMENT, EVALUATION & STATISTICS: Promotes discussion and professional development around best practices in quantitative and qualitative assessment methodologies for libraries.
BIBLIOGRAPHIC CONTROL & METADATA: Shares information and explores challenging issues in cataloging/metadata, provides support and professional development, and fosters cooperative efforts.
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES: Promotes discussion and information-sharing among members on topics such as electronic resources usage statistics, acquisitions, discovery systems, and vendor relationships.
MARKETING & OUTREACH: A diverse group of academic librarians interested in promoting NJLA CUS, as well as learning and sharing ideas on how to best promote our institutions and services.
NEWSLETTER: Published twice yearly. Includes articles, events and items submitted by members, including students.
NOMINATIONS: Prepares annual slate of candidates for office.
REFERENCE & USER EDUCATION: Promotes lifelong learning as an educational goal, and supports the pursuit of excellence in library user education programs and reference interactions.
RESEARCH: Strives to promote research among NJ librarians by presenting a Research Award to winning submission/s and holding a Research Showcase at the NJLA annual conference.
TECHNOLOGY: Sponsors programs addressing tech challenges, presents the NJLA Technology Innovation Award, which honors innovative use and application of technology in a New Jersey academic library.
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