Article I
The name of this body shall be the College and University Section of the New Jersey Library Association and the Association of College & Research Libraries-NJ Chapter.
Article II
The object of this Section shall be to promote the interests of college and university librarianship in New Jersey and the professional interests of the members of the Section; to stimulate professional contacts and the interchange of ideas; and to further the objectives of the New Jersey Library Association.
Article III
Relationship to the New Jersey Library Association
This body is a Section of the New Jersey Library Association and functions in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of that Association; which Constitution and Bylaws, to the extent that they are applicable, take precedence over the Bylaws of this body.
Article IV
Relationship to the Association of College and Research Libraries
This body is the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association, and functions in accordance with the provisions of Article IV of the ACRL's Bylaws.
Article V
Section 1: Any member in good standing of the New Jersey Library Association shall be eligible for membership in this Section.
Section 2: The Section may admit members who are not members of the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Section 3: There shall be three classifications of membership in this Section.
a) Individual members - Persons interested in college and university library work.
b) Institutional members - Libraries and other organizations interested in the work of the Section.
c) Honorary members - Persons nominated by the Executive Board and elected for life by the membership.
Section 4: Rights and Privileges
a) Each individual member and each honorary member shall be entitled to one vote. Institutional members shall not have the privilege of voting.
b) Each individual member and each honorary member shall have the right to hold office and to serve on committees.
c) Each member, of whatever classification, shall receive one copy of all publications and communications of the Section, which are authorized for general distribution by the Executive Board.
Article VI
Section 1: Dues for membership in the College and University Section shall be governed by the dues schedule in the Bylaws of the New Jersey Library Association.
Section 2: The membership year shall coincide with fiscal year.
Section 3: If after due notice from the Treasurer of the New Jersey Library Association dues remain unpaid after March 1st of the current year, the delinquent member shall be dropped from the rolls of the College and University Section.
Article VII
Section 1: The officers of this Section shall be a President, a Vice President (President-Elect), and a Secretary. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these Bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the Section in Article XIV of these bylaws.
Section 2: Persons serving as President and Vice President (President-Elect) of this Section must be members in good standing of both the New Jersey Library Association and the Association of College and Research Libraries.
Section 3: Officers shall assume office on July 1and serve for one year or until their successors have been elected. Vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Board.
Section 4: Duties
a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the Section and shall serve as ex-officio member of each Section Committee. The President shall also serve as Chapter liaison to the Association of College and Research Libraries, and shall also send a report of the Section's meetings to the Executive Secretary of ACRL within one month following the meeting.
b) The Vice President (President-Elect) shall preside in the absence of the President, and, in consultation with the President, shall also be responsible for all Section and Committee programs.
c) The Secretary shall give notice of all meetings, shall take and prepare minutes of same, and shall notify officers of elections in a timely manner.
Article VIII
Executive Board
Section 1: The Executive Board shall conduct the business of the Section.
Section 2: The following shall serve as members of the Executive Board: the President, Vice President, Secretary, immediate Past President, two members-at-large elected to two-year staggered terms, and the President of NJLA (ex-officio).
Section 3: A majority of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum.
Article IX
Section 1: Subsections of the College and University Section may be created by the Executive Board at the written request of twenty-five members of the Section engaged in the work of the proposed Subsection. These twenty-five members shall constitute the charter members of the Subsection. The request shall clearly state the purpose of the proposed Subsection and shall be addressed to the President of the Section.
Section 2: Only members of the Section may be members of a Subsection. The President of the Section shall be a member ex-officio of all Subsections.
Section 3: A Subsection may be discontinued by a majority vote of members of the Section at any business meeting, upon recommendation of the Executive Board, when notice has been given in the call for the meeting. The Executive Board shall be required to show cause for such recommendation.
Section 4: Subsections in general may carry on activities along the lines of their own interests subject to the restrictions imposed by the Bylaws of the Section.
Section 5: No Subsection shall commit the Section to any declaration of policy, any program, any activity, any publication, or any financial expenditure.
Article X
Section 1: The President, with the approval of the Executive Board or on the basis of a majority vote of Section members present at any meeting of the Section, shall establish standing or special committees as may be required to properly discharge the responsibilities of the Section.
Section 2: Each committee shall elect/designate a chairperson and shall notify the President of their selection prior to the July board meeting. If a committee fails to designate a chairperson by the July meeting, the President of the Section, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a chair.
Section 3: Committee chairs shall recruit members from among the general membership of the Section and the New Jersey Chapter of the Association of College and Research Libraries, with the exception of the Nominating Committee, which shall be appointed by the President. The President of the Section shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
Section 4: The term of office of each committee chairperson shall be two years. Chairpersons may serve more than one term.
Section 5: All committees shall report on their activities at the Annual Spring Meeting and at other such times as required by the Executive Board.
Section 6: A list of all committees, their functions and chairpersons shall be kept by the Section Secretary.
Article XI
Nominations and Elections
Section 1: The President of the Section, with the approval of the Executive Board, shall appoint a Nominating Committee of maximum three persons. No members of the Executive Board shall serve on the Nominating Committee.
Section 2: Nominations for officers and members of the Executive Board shall be made by petition (or a letter of intent).
Section 3: Prior to December 1, the Nominating Committee shall send notice to the membership inviting petitions (and letters of intent). Completed petitions (and letters of intent) must be received no later than January 15.
Section 4: If no petition (or letter of intent) is received for a given position, the Nominating committee shall offer the names of candidates for that position.
Section 5: A copy of the ballot shall be mailed to each individual member and each honorary member by March 1 and must be returned postmarked by the date established for elections for NJLA officers .
Section 6: To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast under preferential voting. In case of a tie vote, the successful candidate shall be determined by lot as arranged by the Nominating Committee.
Section 7: The Nominating Committee shall count the ballots and report the results of the election to the Executive Board and at the Annual Meeting.
Article XII
Section 1: A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled for the remainder of the term by the Vice President. This shall not prevent the Vice President from serving a full term as President the following year.
Section 2: A vacancy in the office of Vice President shall be filled by a majority vote of the Executive Board. A Vice President thus elected will not automatically become President at the end of the term, but must elect to run for that position.
Section 3: All other vacancies of elected officials shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval, by majority vote, of the members of the Executive Board.
Article XIII
Section 1: The Annual Meeting of this Section shall be held in the spring in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the New Jersey Library Association. Other meetings may be held at the discretion of the Executive Board.
Section 2: Twenty-five members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Section.
Section 3: The business of the Section shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition.
Section 4: Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President at such times and places as he or she may designate, or at the written request of the majority of the Board.
Article XIV
Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order, latest revised edition, shall govern the Section in all cases in which it can be applied and in which it is not inconsistent with the Bylaws of this Section or the Constitution and Bylaws of the New Jersey Library Association.
Article XV
Amendment of the Bylaws
Section 1: Amendments to the Bylaws must be submitted to the Executive Board for approval.
Section 2: These Bylaws can be amended at any business meeting of the Section by a two-thirds vote of those present, provided that notice of the proposed amendment has been given in the call for the meeting at least 10 days prior to that meeting.
Bylaws Committee
September 7, 1979
Amended November 5, 2004 & October 7, 2016
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