2015 Research Award Winner and Forum Presenters @ the NJLA 2015 Annual

 By Cynthia Coulter

The winner of the 2015 NJLA CUS/ACRL-NJ Research Award is Jane Johnson Otto, of Rutgers University Libraries, for her publication, “University Faculty Describe their Use of Moving Images in Teaching and Learning and their Perceptions of the Library's Role in that Use,” found in College & Research Libraries, 75(2), 115-144.

A formal presentation of the award will take place at the College and University Section’s luncheon on Wednesday, April 22, 2015 (Oceanport South Room from 12:30 to 2:20 p.m.), during the NJLA Annual Conference at the Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, NJ. Jane will be presenting more about her research during the Research Forum later in the afternoon, from 2:30 to 3:15. An abstract of her publication can be found below. The full article can be retrieved from: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.7282/T3DR2SVW(link is external)

Abstract for University Faculty Describe their Use of Moving Images in Teaching and Learning and their Perceptions of the Library's Role in that Use”:

The moving image plays a significant role in teaching and learning; faculty in a variety of disciplines consider it a crucial component of their coursework. Yet little has been written about how faculty identify, obtain, and use these resources and what role the library plays. This study, which engaged teaching faculty in a dialogue with library faculty, revealed a gap between faculty’s film and video information retrieval needs and provision of access by the library. Ultimately, the findings of this study can inform and transform library practices to make more moving images available for use in coursework and research.

The Research Forum (Promenade Rooms 3 & 4 from 2:30-4:30), will feature three more presentations of research in progress. See abstracts for these presentations below.

  1. Megan Demsey and Alyssa Valenti, of Raritan Valley Community College, will present their research, “Student Use of Keywords and Limiters in Web-scale Discovery Searching,” from 3:20 to 3:40 p.m.
  2. Dr. Judit Ward and William Bejarano, of the Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, will discuss their research entitled, “Dues and Duties: Critical Edition of Historical Bibliographies,” from 3:45 to 4:05 p.m.
  3. Gary D. Saretzky, of Monmouth County Archives, will explain his research regarding, “Nineteenth-Century New Jersey Photographers,” from 4:10 to 4:30 p.m.

Abstract for “Student Use of Keywords and Limiters in Web-scale Discovery Searching”:

Using transaction log analysis of student search histories in Ebsco Discovery Service (RVOneSearch), we seek to answer: 1. Do students use the limiters provided in RVOneSearch after receiving instruction on how to do so? 2. How effectively do students use keywords in RVOneSearch after receiving instruction on keywording? In Spring 2012, RVOneSearch became an integral part of our 80-minute librarian-led sessions that are required of all ENGL 111 courses. Previously, librarians taught multiple databases and spent most class time demonstrating searches in various interfaces. Recently we began focusing on selecting appropriate keywords because we noticed that regardless of interface, students struggled most with identifying the right search terms. RVOneSearch allowed us to stop teaching multiple interfaces and instead teach one reference database for background and RVOneSearch for scholarly sources. Now we spend less time on the nuances of interfaces and more time on evaluating results. We also teach students to use the facets and limiters available in RVOneSearch. In this study we wanted to determine whether students chose better keywords and used the available facets and limiters as a result of direct instruction in both. Results inform how we teach students and are applicable to others teaching with web-scale discovery.

Abstract for “Dues and Duties: Critical Edition of Historical Bibliographies”:

The Center of Alcohol Studies Library is proud to own the very first collection of alcohol literature, which calls for specific duties and responsibilities, such as maintaining and disseminating these resources in the digital age. This presentation aims to call attention to the dues that librarians and archivists must pay in order to make collections accessible with new technology, which may come with unexpected tasks. While putting together a digital archive, CAS Library staff identified a new role—namely, critically editing bibliographies of historically significant addiction researchers, since existing bibliographies were found to be incomplete and contained inaccuracies. Discussed in detail is the case of E.M. Jellinek, one of the founding fathers of alcohol studies, whose existing bibliography started only at age 50. The preceding years could not previously be addressed due to a scarcity of information and language barriers. Seizing a unique opportunity, the authors have managed to create a complete bibliography, which not only highlights Jellinek’s role in alcohol studies, but also sheds a new light on his non-alcohol-related scholarship. His complete bibliography, coupled with the full text, can open up new interpretations about his complex approach to alcohol problems.

Abstract for “Nineteenth-Century New Jersey Photographers”:

Based on research in census records, newspapers, city directories, archival records, public and private photo collections, and other sources, Gary Saretzky has been gathering information on approximately 3,000 different photographers who were active in New Jersey before 1900. Notable among these photographers was Gustavus Pach, one of the well-known Pach Brothers who had photo studios in many locations, including Long Branch and Ocean Grove. In a slide lecture, Saretzky will summarize the project, profile several of these pioneers, and discuss them within the larger context of New Jersey photography in the Nineteenth Century.

This year’s NJLA theme is “Libraries On the Edge!” Please see the entire NJLA Conference schedule(link is external). The early registration deadline has been extended to April 10th. A registration form can be found online(link is external).

Cynthia J. Coulter is Chair of the Research Committee.  She is a librarian at Hudson County Community College.